Two first-year linguists reflect on the advantages of Warwick’s new Faculty of Arts building: Ellie shares her thoughts while Luna captures the FAB on camera…

The new Faculty of Arts Building

After two months getting used to the new building, it’s time to reflect on its presence on the student body here at Warwick.

The open spaces, dozens of areas to work in alone or with your friends and classmates, and the beautiful architecture all make up just some of the amazing features of the new Faculty of Arts Building. What isn’t there to love?

Around campus, I have only heard positive and complimentary comments about the new edifice. Everyone is loving a new location to study and converse with friends. It’s nice to see a friendly face each time I enter the building — round every corner there is always someone you know. It’s a very reassuring feeling! On top of this, round every corner, there’s always a sneaky room you didn’t know was there before… or even a new floor (I thought there was only five floors, until I was timetabled a seminar on floor 6)!

The stairs aren’t even so much of an issue. I don’t know about you, but there’s something about climbing the six floors of the building to reach your seminars… it leaves you with a great sense of achievement (or a wobbly out-of-breath feeling, that’s for sure!). They’ve even been nicknamed the “Harry Potter stairs”, as they look awfully like the moving staircases of Hogwarts, with the stairs on each floor jutting out in different ways, creating a more interesting design and modern feel to the place.

The only negative aspect, and I have to hold my breath to even say that there could be a negative comment, would be this: the limited time we can spend there. There’s been a lot of buzz around campus and among friend groups… if only we could be allowed 24-hour access to the FAB, and on weekends too!